API Reference

API Class

This class is directly imported from twitterSentiment. It handles the basic connection to the API as well as tweet searches.

from twitterSentiment import API
twitterSentiment.API() - API object
the API() class manages the connection to the Twitter API. API() does not take any parameter, though, it is required to create a TWITTER_CLIENT_KEY and TWITTER_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable in your system to connect to your Twitter application. It is required to create an API object before calling any of the class methods.
getBearerToken() - string
Returns a string object referencing the value of the bearer token. It is used in searchQuery() class method to authorize the request to the Twitter API.
searchQuery() - dictionnary
It is the main class to send search query to the Twitter API. It returns a dictionnary object. The class has 11 parameters:
  • q - a string. This is where the search keyword is passed [REQUIRED - optional if geocode is not specified]
  • geocode - a string composed of 3 values separated by commas (lat, long, radius). Radius needs to be specified in either miles or kilometer by passing “mi” or “km” [OPTIONAL - required if q not specified]
  • lang - a string representing the language filter for the tweets to return [OPTIONAL]
  • result_type - a string. This parameter accepts only 2 values “mixed” or “recent” [REQUIRED]
  • count - integer. The number of tweets to return per request. Default to 15 [REQUIRED]
  • until - [OPTIONAL]
  • since_id - [OPTIONAL]
  • max_id - [OPTIONAL]
  • include_entities - [OPTIONAL]
  • tweet_mode - a string. Default to “extended” [REQUIRED]
  • return_json - a string. Format of the response. Default to “JSON”. Changing this argument may yield unexpected results [REQUIRED]
client_key - string
Will return the client key value saved in the environment variable.
client_secret - string
Will return the client secret value saved in the environement variable.
base_url - string
Will return the main root of the API URL.
token_url_extension - string
Will return the API URL extension for the token authorization.
search_url_extension - string
Will return the API URL extension used for the request (default to the standard API 1.1/search/tweets.json?).
self.search_url - string
Will return the full search URL used for the request.
self.params - list
Will return the list of parameters to pass to the search_url.

StructureStatusesData Class

This class is directly imported from twitterSentiment. It is use to get a list of formated data with only specific data points - as opposed to the raw json response returned by twitterSentiment.searchQuery().

form twitterSentiment import StructureStatusesData
twitterSentiment.StructureStatusesData() - StructureStatusesData object
Takes one argument. The argument should be the value returned by the searchQuery() class method of API(). The raw response returned by the twitter API should also work - though unexpected behaviors could happen.
getData() - list
Returns a list of length 3 comprised of sub list of length equals to the count argument value from twitterSentiment.searchQuery().
getTweet() - list
Returns a list of length count with tweets values. The values returned by getTweet() are:
  • id
  • created_at
  • full_text
  • geo
  • coordinates
  • place
  • retweet_count
  • favorite_count
  • entities
    • hashtags
    • user_mentiones
      • id
  • metadata
    • iso_language_code
  • user
    • id
getUser() - list
Returns a list of length count with tweets values. The values returned by getUser() are:
  • user
    • id
    • name
    • screen_name
    • location
    • description
    • followers_count
    • friends_count
    • listed_count
    • favourites_count
    • verified
    • statuses_count
    • lang
getUserMentioned() - list
Returns a list of length count with tweets values. The values returned by getUserMentioned() are:
  • tweet_id
  • entities
    • user_mentions
      • id
      • name
      • screen_name
self.statuses - dictionnary
Returns the raw response from the API request.

SentimentScore Class

This class is directly imported from twitterSentiment. It is used to classify a list of tweets returned by twitterSentiment.StructureStatusesData().getTweet().

form twitterSentiment import StructureStatusesData
twitterSentiment.SentimentScore() - SentimentScore object
Takes the value returned by getTweet() as an argument.
getSentimentClassification() - float
Returns the ratio of tweets classified as positive by TextBlob NaiveBayesAnalyzer() model.
self.tweet_list - list
Returns a list of tweets without any URLs. Cleaned up for sentiment analysis.
self.blobber - Blobber Class
Returns a blobber class. Initialized to prevent retraining of model for each tweet analyzed.